Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Disease prevention on college campuses

Flu vaccine and washing hands help the most

Did you know that germs spread rapidly due to the crowded lifestyle of the average college student?  A simple viral cold or influenza virus can travel through an entire campus in the matter of a few weeks.
        Agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites cause infectious diseases.  The transmissions of these diseases are usually through direct contact, which is physical transfer from one individual to another. You can even contract these same diseases by indirect contact, which is using the same public water fountain or touching a doorknob in which the organisms can still be transmitted.
        According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) the most effective method for disease prevention is hand washing. The use of hand sanitizer is also an effective way to kill the germs and bacteria that leads to diseases.
        Our immune systems are always on alert, but at times bacteria and viruses cannot be killed right away leaving us feeling ill while our body tries to protect us.
        To help our bodies from contracting these infectious diseases wash your hands regularly and prevent direct or indirect contact with others especially if they are ill.  In addition get your influenza vaccine each year to prevent the spread of the flu. Be well this cold, cough, and flu season!  

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